January 12-15, 2024
Friday January 12, we had a relaxing morning. Finn and Angel played together all day. I cleaned up outside, especially Angel’s toys and threw out a bunch of broken ones. I got the greenhouse door secured for the upcoming freeze. Christopher got everything else ready. I took a nap in the banana hut, lying in the sun coming through the window, which was heavenly. That evening we took Finn home and met my adult daughter in Rockdale so her and Angel could have girl time together. The girls went off together. Christopher and I ate at Joe’s Italian and went to a movie at the Kay Theater. I ate a Greek salad and some bread at the restaurant, plus 8 oz. of wine. The movie we saw was Maverick. We hadn’t watched very much of it before I became uninterested in the energy of the movie. It had a lot of violence and manipulation in it. I ate popcorn and a bunch of peanuts and had some of a wine cooler. My stomach started to hurt. I knew I had made unwise food and drink choices and my stomach was saying…what the heck.
That night I did not sleep good. My stomach hurt all night and my mind became cloudy with depression. When my stomach is off, I’ve noticed it affects my mind and my ability to produce serotonin. I comforted and hugged myself all night and reminded myself that this would pass.
Saturday January 13, I cleaned offices in the morning. My stomach still hurt and I was feeling really depressed. I did an extra thorough job cleaning but I was not moving fast and I got way behind schedule. Christopher and Angel helped with the big office building. I left to clean a residential house and Christopher finished up for me. The residential went good. They were home and their kids were there visiting, so it was a full house. We were able to easily work around each other and I enjoyed listening to the family members talk amongst themselves. They were very kind and loving to each other and it warmed my heart.
When I arrived home from work, I napped in the banana hut. It felt so good to sleep. My stomach was starting to feel better. All that junk I put in it had worked its way out, literally. It felt wonderful to poop it all out 😂. I had been only drinking smoothies and eating celery to get my body cleaned out.
When I woke up from my nap, I took a bath that Christopher had ready. He is so thoughtful. Then I laid down some more and listened to an audiobook I had started earlier called The Light After Death. After a while I went in the house and read a couple of story books with Angel. Then I went to back to bed and slept deeply.
Sunday January 14, I woke up feeling good. I had plans to go to church and rearrange the banana hut to make a spot for a little kitchen area. Angel and I got ready for church and left early to drop off Christmas presents to our friends across the highway. We’ve been meaning to get together to exchange gifts since Christmas and I decided today was the day. I messaged them that I was stopping by to drop off presents and we drove over there. We stayed for a half hour or so and talked about the upcoming freeze, then we left to go to church.
We arrived early and I chatted with people until the service started. It was a small group today, a lot of people stayed home preparing for the Arctic blast that will last for 3 days. I enjoyed the service and went up front during the altar call and had the pastor to pray over me. Angel was the only kid there but she had fun.
When we arrived home from church I started bread rising in the oven and reorganized the banana hut to make space for a little kitchen. Angel helped me and it felt good to clean behind things as I moved them around. When I finished, I really liked the way it looked. I had made a small little space for a kitchen and when I get a little wood stove it will easy to set it up in the corner. I plan on installing a wood stove before next winter and not using electricity with space heaters. My new oil heater was not keeping the banana hut very warm and the temperature outside was going to get much colder when it got dark. It was 50 degrees inside and 38 degrees outside, so I set up my other ceramic space heater in there along with the oil heater. That made a big difference and in about an hour the inside temperature went up to 60 degrees.
I ate a big salad for supper and got ready for bed. Angel and I didn’t take our evening bath, Christopher had brought in the hot water heater for the outdoor bath so it wouldn’t freeze and we still don’t have our indoor bathtub installed. We will get the indoor bathtub finished soon and the best thing is that we have an indoor toilet. That’s a luxury not everyone has. I love taking hot baths when it’s cold out. It warms my core temperature. When I lived in Idaho I would go to the hot springs in the winter. I would get so hot sitting in the springs that I would lay in snow to cool off. I’m leaving Wednesday to go visit my boys and grandkids in Utah and I am most definitely going to a hot springs while I’m there. I might go skiing in the morning and do the hot springs afterwards. That sounds so lovely to me.
At bedtime, we all gathered in the banana hut and I read 2 chapters from Hank the Cowdog book 7. The dogs and cats were all cuddled up inside with us and it was a full house. Angel slept on the trundle bed next to me and we fell asleep around 8:30 p.m. listening to a children’s meditation story.
Monday January 15, I woke up at 4 a.m. I stayed in bed for a couple of hours doing my thanksgiving’s and gratitudes and catching up on my blog. All my cleaning clients canceled me coming today except one and she ended up canceling later in the day. I didn’t have to get up and go anywhere so I stayed in bed and rested. I thought about what I wanted to do today and decided I would make the quilt I’ve been wanting to make for myself.
Later in the morning I started the quilt. Angel came in and wanted to listen to an audiobook. I put on The Magicians Nephew and Angel played with the animals while I cut out quilting squares. I spent the whole day putting the quilt together and completely finished sewing on the batting and back after supper. Christopher had set up the hot water heater at the outdoor bath and ran a bath for Angel and myself. It was a wonderful 113 degree bath and felt so good. I got warm to the core and felt super clean when I got out. After Christooher showered he unhooked the hot water heater and brought it back in, leaving the hose that hooks to the hot water heater dripping so it wouldn’t freeze.
After eating a big salad for supper and cleaning the kitchen, Christopher read a few chapters of The Little Prince to us in the banana hut while I was finishing up my quilt. Then I read 2 chapters from Hank the Cowdog book 7. We said our good nights, Christopher and Angel went in the house and I fell asleep around 8:30 p.m. listening to a sleep meditation by Joe Dispenza.

Thank you for reading my blog and being a part of my life. I dearly appreciate you.