December 14, 2023
I woke up at 5:30 a.m. and found myself scrolling on line for an hour and did not get my blog written. I woke Angel up and went in the house. I greeted Christopher and made my tea. Angel came in and ate breakfast and we got ready to go to riding lessons. Christopher headed to work and we left shortly after, running about 10 minutes behind. We didn’t get far down the road when I received a talk message from the horse ranch, they had to take a couple of horses to the vet and we wouldn’t be able to ride but could have a grooming lesson. Then a few minutes later I received another talk message from them saying there was a major accident on the highway, it was closed down and to take the back roads. I pulled over and messaged back that I was already behind schedule and we were going to cancel coming. They understood we’re fine with that. I headed back home and did school with Angel for an hour until it was time to pick up my grandson Finn and run some errands.
I picked up Finn, then stopped by my friend Rachele’s to drop off a container. I was going to make jelly with her today along with another homeschool mom but I decided I had other things to do instead and wanted some time at home. I stayed and visited for a while. The kids were having fun playing and Rachele said they could stay while I ran errands. I was grateful to get things done without having the kids along. I went to the post office and mailed out Christmas packages. Then I stopped at the library to confirm first Fridays coffee scheduling for The Kay Theater and Master Naturalists. Then I shopped at a couple of places for gifts and stopped by my friend Kim’s house. We exchanged gifts, she gave me an essential oil diffuser which is awesome. I am house sitting for them while they are gone for a couple of weeks and we talked about all they wanted done. Next I stopped at the supermarket to get training supplies for our dog Chance before picking up the kids from Rachele. I stayed and chatted a while at Rachele’s, then headed home.
At home, I spent the rest of the afternoon training Chance. He’s very responsive to training. Christopher and I sat outside together talking some of the time and the kids had fun playing on the swing and digging in the dirt. Around 4 p.m. I started getting ready to go to a master naturalist Christmas party. I took a relaxing bath and while I was bathing I remembered to pray my thanksgivings and gratitudes.
- Thank you for baths. I am grateful to float and relax and get clean in warm water. I love the way baths feel.
- Thank you for trees. I am grateful for their beauty and breath.
- Thank you for healthy. I am grateful to have wonderful health.
- Thank you for life. I am grateful to be alive.
- Thank you for Christmas. I am grateful for the joy of giving and receiving.
I drove to Cameron on the back roads and appreciated the beautiful green rolling hills and the wintry look of the bare oak trees. The weather has been heavenly.
The master naturalist Christmas party was great fun. I had salad to eat and the yearly white elephant gift exchange was entertaining as usual. I got a lantern flashlight which will be very useful. The party ended at around 9 p.m. and I headed home. I drove the main highway and breathed deeply as I passed the place when I had witnessed the tragic accident a month or so ago. When I arrived home, Christopher and Angel were in bed asleep. I went straight to bed and fell asleep around 10 p.m.

December 15, 2023
I woke up at 3:30 a.m. to 5:30 a.m. and wrote my blog. I was 2 days behind on my blog and caught up on one day. I went back to sleep and slept until 8:30 a.m. It felt great to sleep in. I’d been pulling some long busy days and was grateful for the extra rest and a slow paced day. I got up and made tea. Christopher had left for work and Angel was playing with LacyJane, our collie mix who she has claimed as hers since she decided she doesn’t want Chance. I had Chance with me on a leash throughout the day doing training with him. He is doing great and with training he is going to be a good dog.
At 9:00 a.m. I had a coaching client phone call. The session went great and I look forward to hearing about my clients progress moving forward. When I got off of the phone, Angel did school. Today she worked on math, reading and writing. I made homemade bread with fresh ground wheat berries while helping Angel with her schoolwork. When she finished, we made some pot holders on her loom to give away as Christmas presents. Then Angel played outside with LacyJane while I made a mango/grape juice smoothie. I went in the banana hut and started writing Christmas cards to send out. Christopher came home and sat in the banana hut talking with me while I wrote out the cards. Christopher went off to do other things and I finished getting the Christmas cards ready to send.
By the time I got done it was almost time to leave to do an overnight pet sitting job. Angel wanted to come with me so we both packed our bags and got ready to go. I ate a big salad before leaving and brought along my mango smoothie to have tomorrow during my cleaning jobs. I had a big day planned for tomorrow…3 office buildings and 2 residential houses to clean, then a Christmas party that evening. I planned to go to bed early and be well rested for an early start.
On the drive to my pet sitting job Angel and I listened to a Nancy Drew book The Mystery of the Brass Bound Trunk. When we arrived, we took care of the cats and dogs. Then we took a bath and went to bed early. I read a 5 chapters out loud from The Hidden Staircase and we went to sleep at around 7:30 p.m.
Thank you for reading my blog and being a part of my life. I dearly appreciate you.