December 13, 2023
I woke up at 1:30 a.m. I wrote my blog and went back to sleep at around 4:00 a.m.listening to Your Faith is Your Fortune by Neville Goddard. I awoke again at 5:45 a.m. I prayed my thanksgivings and gratitudes.
- Thank you for Angel. I am grateful to be her mom.
- Thank you for opportunities. I am grateful for the know how.
- Thank you for friends. I am grateful for connection.
- Thank you for strength. I am grateful to be healthy and strong.
- Thank you for dogs. I am grateful for their love.
I woke Angel up and went into the kitchen. I greeted Christopher and started getting ready to go to town. I had 3 cleaning jobs, then I was driving to Austin to meet up with my friend Margie. She lives in Washington DC and was in Austin for a mastermind conference. We scheduled a time to get together today since she was nearby and this was the only day she could meet up before she flew back home. I had arranged my schedule so I could meet up with her.
Angel came in the house and got ready to go with me. Christopher and I had a good conversation about ways to train our new dog Chance. He has been causing havoc around the farm, so we made a plan to have him supervised by one of us at all times. He is very trainable dog, we just need to work with him. I am going with Chance to see a dog trainer named Mark McKibben on Sunday.
I thoroughly enjoyed the drive to work. It was a beautiful rainy morning and everything felt so fresh and clean. My first cleaning job was the Episcopal church. I was behind schedule and had enough time to clean half of it. I planned to come back to finish it later. Christopher called and said his work was canceled because of the rain and he was coming to get Angel. When he arrived, I asked if he would come back later and finish cleaning the church for me. He went outside and cleaned off the bottom of his boots and said he could finish cleaning it now. I was grateful for his help and thanked him.
I drove to my next job. My clients were there and while I cleaned, we chatted and caught up on what we each have going on for the Holidays. I stopped at the supermarket on my way to my next job and picked up the calendars I had put together with pictures yesterday. At my last job, I listened to Your Faith is Your Fortune. When I finished cleaning, I headed to Austin to meet up with Margie. I took a route I had never taken before on the back highways and it was a wonderful, beautiful drive. I will be taking that route to Austin next time I go there. Little Bit was with me and for some reason he had a case of really smelly farts. I drove with the windows open to air out the truck. I pulled over at a grassy spot to let Bits out to use the bathroom in case the cause of his gas was he needed to poop. He went pee but no poop and the smelly gas continued through the rest of the drive.
I met Margie at a hotel near the airport. It was wonderful to see her. We hugged hello and I warned her about Little Bit’s smelly gas before she got in the pickup. She laughed about it and sure enough, Little Bit had us rolling our windows down right away. I found a good restaurant for us to eat at called Bouldin Creek Cafe. I had been there before and remembered it had some amazing salads and smoothies. It was just as good as I remembered. I had a delicious salad with garlic tahini dressing. Margie and I had a fantastic conversation about our thoughts creating our reality. She shared with me an awakening she had about how we create what we see as our normal. Shifting what we see as normal will shift what we create in our reality. We have the best conversations. I received an amazing amount of clarity during our time together and felt blessed to have Margie as a friend. (I didn’t get a picture of us).
I took Margie back to her hotel. The drive there smelled much better, Little Bit’s smelly gas had cleared up, he must had received clarity too 😂. I felt renewed after my afternoon with Margie. I headed the back way to Round Rock. I stopping at Angel’s adopted grandparents, Peggy and George, on my way home to drop off their Christmas presents. Even though it was rush hour, the back roads had light traffic and the drive was pleasant. It was good seeing Peggy and George. We chatted while they opened their gifts and Little Bit had fun playing with their dog Lilly.

I attempted to take the back roads home from Round Rock but kept ending up back on the main highway. Probably because the highway is a straight shot home. I surrendered to it and was patient with the traffic until I got to the country. When I arrived home, I greeted Christopher and Angel. I took a bath that Christopher had ready for me and got ready for bed. We all gathered in the banana hut and I read 2 chapters from Hank the Cowdog book 5. Then we said our good nights. Angel slept in the banana hut with me and we fell asleep around 9 p.m.
Thank you for reading my blog and being a part of my life.