Wednesday January 29, 2025
Dear Diary,
Good morning God,
- Thank you for this day.
- Thank you for friends.
- Thank you for cleaning opportunities.
- Thank you for joy.
- Thank you for fruit.
I love you!
I awoke at 3:30 AM. I wrote my blog and finished it at 6 AM. I woke up Angel and made her breakfast. For myself, I made tea and a smoothie. At 6:45 AM, we left to drive to a cleaning opportunity in Cambridge. On the drive we listened to a Nancy Drew audiobook.
We arrived right on time. Angel did her schoolwork while I cleaned. I did an extra thorough job cleaning and enjoyed myself. I’ve had this underlying feeling of pure joy flowing through me the last 2 days. I can’t pinpoint a certain cause other than the Holy Spirit. Everything I do or say is expressing that joy and I am grateful for it.
After cleaning, we went to my older sisters and I got a small tall skinny dresser of mine from upstairs to put in the camper. Angel helped me carry the drawers down and load it into the bed of the truck. Before taking the dresser to the camper, we went to homeschool co-op.
The kids did a game matching animals to their habitat. Then we went outside and the kids drew shadow animals by placing an animal in the sun and tracing the animals shadow onto a piece of paper. It was cold out but the sun was shining bright. After drawing their animals, the kids went back inside out of the cold to color them. I had brought along a game that I had gifted myself for my birthday called Q-less. It’s a solitaire word game and another mom and I played it together until it was time to go.

We went to the camper and unloaded the dresser. It didn’t fit where I wanted it to go but I found another space for it that it fit into nicely. While we were there, I took the last of my stuff out of the motorhome and put it in the camper. Then we left to go to my pet sitting house. On the way I talked to my adult daughter on the hands-free phone system. Before I went into the canyon where there’s no phone service, I pulled over and we finished our conversation.
As soon as we got to New Meadows, I let Lucky out and did a coaching client phone call. The coaching session went great and we scheduled the next session in 2 weeks. I had a half hour of down time and then we left to go to Angels first Cub Scout meeting. When we went out the front door leave, Lucky ran out the door and wanted to go with us. I tried to get her back in the house but she refused, so I let her in the backseat of the truck and she was happy about that. Bits was excited to have to along as well.
The Cub Scout meeting was a lot of fun. There were mostly girls there. The kids worked in teams of 2 to make a tower out of spaghetti noodles and tape. They had to make it strong enough to hold a marshmallow. Angel really got into it and was super excited when her team won.

After Cub Scouts, the kids did some snow sledding and then we went to Zim’s hot springs. Other Cub Scouts joined us there and I enjoyed talked with another mom. She’s an adventurer like me and we talked about doing some hiking together this summer.
When we got back to Lucky’s, we got the dogs in the house and got ready for bed. We brushed our teeth and got snuggled up in bed. I called my adult daughter and we had a great talk. She told Angel that she was coming to visit and Angel was so excited she started flopping around. When we got off the phone, I read Angel a couple of chapters of The Princess and the Unicorn. At 10 PM, I put on a sleep meditation and we went to sleep.
Thursday January 30, 2025
Dear Diary,
Good morning God,
- Thank you for this day
- Thank you for blessings.
- Thank you for meeting new people.
- Thank you for Cub scouts.
- Thank you for pet sitting opportunities.
I love you!
I awoke at 1 AM, I played wordle and connections and wrote some of my blog. At 3 AM, I slept more and awoke again at 5:45 AM. I listened to positive affirmations while I made Angel breakfast and made my tea. I packed up a leftover smoothie from yesterday. All I ate yesterday was a salad and pumpkin seeds. Then we drove to Council.
I cleaned the bank before it opened. Angel and Bits are usually at my sisters when I clean the bank but she had sent me a message last night that her boyfriend will be there. A few days ago she told me that when her boyfriend is there that she would prefer we not be there. Her boyfriend doesn’t like little dogs and she’s afraid he will hurt Bits and it’s just better if we not come over when he is there. I was grateful she let me know because, I don’t want Bits around someone who would hurt him and I don’t want Angel around that kind of energy either. So today instead of going to my older sisters while I cleaned, Angel and Bits hung out in the locked truck. It only takes me an hour to clean and I could see them through the windows. Angel was happily playing on her phone the whole time. As I was finishing up, the bank manager came in. I asked her if they were satisfied with my cleaning and she told me that I am the best cleaner the bank has had since she’s been working there. That was nice to hear! I told her thank you and to be sure and let me know if there is anything they want me to do different.
After cleaning the bank, I messaged my older sister letting her know that I was going to stop in and grab a few of my things. She said she would give her boyfriend a heads up. He was in the bedroom when I went inside and I grabbed the rest of the kitchen supplies I had there and took them to my camper. Angel and I sorted through things in the camper and I think we will be able to fit almost everything we own in there.
When it was time, I took Angel to jujitsu. I had to drop her off a few minutes early at the library next door so that I would be on time for a cleaning and organizing job bid . I arrived at my job bid and immediately fell in love with the older couple that was hiring me. The lady showed me around and we had great conversations. It is going to be a lot of fun helping them out.
I made it back to pick up Angel from jujitsu just as she was finishing up. We stopped at the grocery store and went to a friend’s to pick up a gallon of honey she had gotten for me from the azure drop off yesterday. I couldn’t be at the drop off since I was working at the time the truck delivered our orders.
My friend wasn’t at home and her husband said she was at jujitsu. I guess I had missed seeing her there. I drove back to the rec center and my friend apologized saying she had forgotten to bring it with her. I replied that it was fine and I would get it from her later. Angel was hungry and I hadn’t made her lunch so I stopped the taco truck and got her some food. Then I went to the coffee shop and got myself a chai tea. While I was there I saw another friend of mine. We hugged and she said she had something for me and gifted me some oolong tea in a cute little bag. I told her thank you. I was grateful she had thought of me and felt really blessed.
We arrived at my next cleaning opportunity right on time. Angel did her schoolwork while I cleaned. My client had me pull out her refrigerator and stove to get under and behind them. I love doing those kinds of things. Then I wiped down all the kitchen cupboards, cleaned the kitchen floors and dusted the entire house.
When I finished cleaning, we went back to my friend’s house to get the honey. She invited me to stay a while and I took her up on her offer. She homeschools and has 3 kids. One of them is a girl the same age as Angel. My friend and I chatted while the kids played hide and seek. This friend had made me feel really welcome when I first moved to Council. She had told me about jujitsu and other events in the community. While we talked, I thanked her for making me feel so welcome.
We stayed for an hour and then left to go check on Lucky. On the way, I stopped at a guys house. He is new to Council and had mentioned on Facebook that he had some tea to give me. He gave me a bunch of tea and offered to let me park my camper in his back lot behind his garage. We went back there and he showed me around. I really appreciate his offer, since we can’t hook up to water where we our camper is at right now. I asked him how much he would charge me and he said he would think about it and we could work something out. I felt really blessed. It had been a day full of gifts and wonderful people. I was grateful.
When we got to my pet sitting house in New Meadows, Angel realized that she had left her phone at her friends house. I told her we couldn’t go all the way back to Council and she would have to do without it for a few days. She wasn’t happy about that but resigned herself to it. I let Lucky out and laid down to take a nap while Angel played with her toys.
When I woke up an hour later, we went to Zim’s. We swam for an hour and came back. I fed Angel dinner, then we brushed our teeth and went to bed. Angel read aloud Oh, The Places You Will Go and I read a couple of chapters of The Princess and the Unicorn. Then I put on a sleep meditation and wrote my blog notes. I wasn’t sure if I would fall asleep since I had taken a late nap but I went right to sleep as soon as I turned the light out at 9:30 PM.

Friday January 31, 2025
Dear Diary,
Good morning God,
- Thank you for this day.
- Thank you for good sleep.
- Thank you for people.
- Thank you for cleaning opportunities.
- Thank you for gifts.
- Thank you for tea.
I love you!
I awoke at 5:15 AM. I had slept through the night. I had a dream about not being able to breathe. I was in a room with people smoking cigarettes and all of a sudden I couldn’t breathe. I woke up gasping for breath. I played wordle and connections and got up and made tea. I woke Angel up, fed her breakfast and made a smoothie.
I packed up Angels lunch and my smoothie and drove to McCall to clean the dorms at the fish hatchery. It was supposed to snow all day but it hadn’t started yet and I was grateful to have clear roads driving up the canyon. We arrived on time and a guy showed me where the dorms were.
Angel got started on her schoolwork and I got started cleaning. I knew it was going to take me all day to get the dorms clean and I got in my cleaning-zone. I cleaned the bedrooms first. I moved all the furniture and put clean mattress pads on all the beds. I cleaned the inside of the windows, wiped down the walls and all the drawers, shelves and cupboards. Then I did the 2 bathrooms and lastly I did the kitchen and living room. After Angel finished her school, we listened to Nancy Drew audiobooks. Since Angel didn’t have her phone with her, she decided she would do extra pages in her school book. Maybe her phone should get “lost” more often 😁.
While cleaning the kitchen, I pulled out the refrigerators to get behind and under them. I opened up a cupboard that was above one of the refrigerators and a crock pot fell out and smashed into my face. I thought my nose might be broken but I ignored the pain and picked up the crockpot. Thankfully it looked to be just fine. I continued cleaning the kitchen. I cleaned the inside and outside of all the drawers and cupboards and organized them. I wiped down the inside and outside of the 2 refrigerators. They said to not clean the stove because they were replacing it but I pulled it out and got behind and underneath it so the space would be nice and clean for the new stove. They said they were also replacing the microwave and to not clean it. I looked inside and was grateful to not have to clean it, it was one of the dirtiest I’ve ever seen.

I was almost 8 hours into cleaning and I only had the kitchen table, the couches and the kitchen and living room floor left to do. The kitchen chairs were on top of the table and I started taking them down. One of the chairs slipped and fell backwards off of the table, it hit the window and shattered the inside window pane. Ahhhh!! Noooooo!!!
I cleaned up the glass that had fallen and called the contact number I was given for the fish hatchery. The guy was really mellow about the whole thing. I finished cleaning and messaged the contact guy when I was done. I told him that there wouldn’t be any charge for the cleaning and to let me know the cost of the window. He messaged back saying that he would call me later in the evening.
Before going to our pet sitting house, I bought some groceries at Natural Grocers. It had been snowing all day but the roads were in pretty good shape. The snow plows had been keeping the roads cleared for skiers that were flocking into town to enjoy the fresh snow up on the mountain. When we got to Lucky’s, I let her out and Angel and I ate. I called my mom and told her about my crazy day and Angel watched a show on TV.
We went to Zim’s hot springs for an hour or so and it felt great to soak my face and sore muscles. There were a lot of people there and kids were running all over screaming and throwing snow balls at each other. Usually when it’s that busy, the deep end is mostly empty but there were people everywhere today. After a while most the kids all went inside to celebrate a birthday party. It was much more peaceful after that. I stretched and floated on my back fully relaxing my body. There was another lady there that comes all the time and I chatted with her for a while. She has a grandson she takes care of that is a couple years older than Angel and they like to play together. When the birthday party kids started flocking back out. I told Angel it was time to go.

When we got back to Lucky’s, I let the dogs out and fed Angel dinner. The fish hatchery guy called and said that the dorms looked great and that I had done a really good job. He said that they still wanted to pay me and to not worry about the cost of the window. He also said they would be contacting me to clean for them in the future. I was not expecting that and felt very grateful.
Angel and I brushed our teeth and went to bed. Angel read Oh, The Places You Will Go and I read the last of The Princess and the Unicorn. I wrote my blog notes and put on a sleep meditation. We went to sleep early at 8 PM.
Saturday February 1, 2025
Dear Diary,
Good morning God,
- Thank you for this day.
- Thank you for forgiveness.
- Thank you for laughter.
- Thank you for love.
- Thank you for compassion.
- Thank you for snow.
I love you!
I awoke at 6 AM. I had slept for 10 hours. Wow! I goofed around on my phone watching Got Talentvideos. Angel woke up at 7 AM and was hungry. I made her breakfast and made myself tea. Then we cuddled in bed and she read Oh, The Places You’ll Go out loud to me. Angel went in the front room to watch TV and I stayed in bed writing. I did a write up about the recipe I did last week for the local newspaper. Then I wrote my blog in between posting in Facebook. I was reminded that today is my one year anniversary of not smoking weed or drinking alcohol, so I posted about that. Then I responded to all my comments. I called my friend Brett and made plans to go to Zim’s when they opened up at noon. Finally I got focused again and got caught up on my blog. Three eventful days worth.

I finished writing my blog at 11:30 AM. I called Brett again and he said he would head this way in a few minutes. I made myself a big salad and ate it while playing Q-less until Brett arrived. Brett arrived and we rode in his car to Zim’s. We swam for an hour or so. I stretched and floated on my back fully relaxing my body. My nose was still really tender from the crock pot landing on it yesterday but the cut on it is healing up nicely. Angel found some kids to play with. The pool was not crowded which was great since it tends to get crowded on Saturdays but I think it was because we were there early in the day.
After swimming, we went back to my pet sitting house. Angel watched a movie on TV while Brett and I played scrabble. We played 2 games of scrabble and each won one. I made Angels dinner while we played and Brett went home after we finished the second game.
I got started making juice. I juiced strawberries, pineapples, apples and carrots. I made a gallon and a half and it tasted delicious. I cleaned up the kitchen and talked on the phone with my younger sister for a while. Then I got Angel off of the TV. We brushed our teeth and got ready for bed. Angel read aloud Oh The Places You’ll Go and I read Harry and the Lady Next Door to her. I put on a sleep meditation and wrote my blog notes. At 8 PM, I turned off the light and we went to sleep.

Thank you for reading my blog and being a part of my life. I appreciate you.
Love, Victoria
P.S. this blog post is inspired by the Holy Spirit.