Sunday January 19, 2025
Sunday’s blog post accidentally got erased, so I am just going to cover the highlights.
Angel and I bundled up and walked to church in 15°F temperatures. The sermon at church was amazing and inspirational. I gained clarity on forgiving Brett and all the sadness I had been feeling flowed out of me.
After church, Angel stayed with my sister and played Minecraft while I went to the camper and got it organized. Once it was organized, I felt much better about moving into it. Honestly, I had been really scared to move into a camper in the Idaho mountains in the winter. I was no longer afraid and knew that we could do it. I went to Dollar General to get supplies and then went to my sisters.

Angel was still on Minecraft and I loaded a bunch of stuff into the truck. Then I got Angel off of the TV and we went to the park to play with some kids. Even though it was cold and there was an icy wind, the kids had a great time playing together. They played basketball for a while and then played on the playground while I talked with the other parents.
We left the park and went straight to our camper. I unloaded the truck and organized everything again. Angel helped and was excited to stay the night in the camper. The camper still didn’t have a skirt and we didn’t have running water, but we were warm with the heater and electric blankets. Angel was in awe of our view of the valley at night from the camper windows. It was an amazing view. I had gotten a picture of the sunset.

We played a couple of boardgames before going to bed and fell asleep at around 9 PM listening to a sleep meditation.
Monday January 20, 2025
Dear Diary,
Good morning God,
- Thank you for this day.
- Thank you for mornings.
- Thank you for blankets.
- Thank you for heaters.
- Thank you for forgiveness.
I love you!
I awoke at 4 am. I played wordle and connections and finished writing my blog. At 7:30 am, it was a little chilly in the camper but warm compared to the 11 degrees it was outside. I plugged in the second heater and woke Angel up. We got dressed while listening to positive morning affirmations. Angel wanted to play Squeeze Out and we played a quick game before leaving to go to my sisters. I suppose that’s not home anymore, the camper is our new home. I still don’t have the water turned on in the camper until I skirt it or figure out how to keep the gray and black tanks from freezing. I am thinking of putting RV antifreeze in them as a temporary solution.
At my sisters, I made Angel her breakfast and made myself tea. I still had a smoothie left over from yesterday. Angel stayed there with my sister because she had the day off of work and I left to do a farm sitting opportunity and split wood. I had put on long underwear because it’s going to be a cold day out in the weather splitting wood but it will be sunny and I am looking forward to it.
On my way to my farm sit, I dropped off keys to the people I had dog sat for on Saturday. At my farm sitting house, I fed the horse and broke up the ice in his water trough. I did the same for the chickens water and I opened their door so they could go out. They didn’t seem interested in going out though. It was cold out there. I let the dogs out, fed and watered them and spent time petting and loving on them.

I drove back home to our camper and walked up to the woodpile to help Mr. C split wood. It was icy cold out and I had on longjohns under my pants and two pairs of wool socks on. Despite the cold, the sun was shining and it was a beautiful morning. I enjoyed looking at the valley and the mountains while we worked. I felt truly blessed to be working outside with such an amazing view.

We split wood from 9:30 AM to 12:30 AM. My friend Brett came over before I was finished working and hung out in the camper until I was done. I joined him in the camper and we talked while I drank my smoothie. He apologized for the things he had said and I told him I had forgiven him at church yesterday. We talked about different ways to skirt the camper and Brett took some measurements.
I rode with Brett to my sisters to get my motorhome and bring it over. I planned on using it for storage until I figure out what to do with it. At my sisters, Angel was still playing Minecraft. Brett and I loaded up a bunch of shelves in the motorhome to take to the camper. Before taking the motorhome, we went and picked up some homemade vegetarian tamales and went to the auto parts store and I bought some RV antifreeze.
We went back to my sisters, and I drove the motorhome up to the camper while Brett followed. We unloaded all the shelving from the motorhome and put it in the camper. Amazingly, I figured out a way for it all to fit. I got everything partially organized in the camper while Brett leveled it for me. I plugged in the heat cable and went out to turn on the water so we could have running water in the camper. Then in the holding tanks, I would put the RV antifreeze so the water wouldn’t freeze in them. When I went to turn on the water, the water wouldn’t come out. The water spigot was frozen. Oh well, we would just continue on without running water until the weather warmed up enough that it was above freezing. I also needed to undo the heat cable from the hose and wrap it around the water spigot. Then run it down the hose again and re-insulate it. That was going to be a big project and I would do it another day.

Brett and I played a game of Scrabble. While he was taking his turns, I worked on organizing the camper. When the game was over, it was starting to get dark. I thanked Brett for his help and he headed home. I drove to my sisters to get Angel. She was still playing Minecraft. I walked to the bank and cleaned it. When I got home I got Angel off of Minecraft. She’d been staring at a TV screen for over nine hours.
We packed up some more board games and drove home. Angel organized her books and we played snakes and ladders, shut the box and mancala. Then we went to bed and I put on a sleep meditation. We drifted off to sleep at around 10 PM.

Tuesday January 21, 2025
Dear Dairy,
Good morning God,
- Thank you for this day.
- Thank you for sleep.
- Thank you for board games.
- Thank you for my body.
- Thank you for friendship.
I love you!
I woke up at 1 am. My right knee was aching. I played wordle and connections and attempted to go back to sleep but my knee aching kept me awake. I stretched for a while and my knee felt better. I drifted back to sleep at 1:30 am and was just starting to dream when my phone dinged with a message. I ignored it and started to drift off again when my phone dinged again. I thought it might be something important so I looked my phone. It was from Brett. I responded and told him I was going back to sleep.
At 7 AM I woke up again. Angel woke up at the same time and we got dressed. We played one game ofMancala then we went to my sisters. I started some laundry washing, made Angel breakfast and made myself tea and a smoothie. Then we left to take Angel to Jujitsu. On the way we stopped at the recycling center.
I dropped Angel off at Jujitsu and went to women’s Bible study at church. There were only three of us at Bible study and instead of doing our regular Bible study we all talked. It was a great conversation about living in Faith and I thoroughly enjoyed spending time with the other two women.
I picked up Angel from the library. She had walked there after Jujitsu. The library is right next-door to the rec center. We stopped at the grocery store and drove out to the camper to get some food out of the fridge. Angel realized that she had left her water bottle at the Library, so we went and got it.
Then we hearted (headed)out of town to do a cleaning opportunity. The cleaning opportunity was for Mr. L, the man who we are going to rent an apartment from starting in May. He’s also the person who helped bring my camper up from the valley. When we arrived, Angel got started on her schoolwork and I got started cleaning. It took 5 1/2 hours to get his house back in shape. It looked really good when I finished and he was happy with it. I didn’t charge him for the work in trade for bringing the camper up from the valley for me.
We arrived back in Council just in time for “girls club”. I was feeling pretty tired by then and the girls were really hyper but it was still a lot of fun. Angel was really moody and needed to get some food in her. She had eaten a big lunch, but I could tell she was needing some more calories. After “girls club” we stopped at the pizza place in town. I got Angel a personal pizza and for myself, I ordered a salad.
When we got home to the camper, Angel ate all of her pizza. I knew she had been really hungry. I put my salad in the fridge, it was too late for me to eat. Angel wanted to play a board game, but I told her we were going straight to bed. She crawled into her bunk and I put on a sleep meditation. We drifted off to sleep at around 10 PM.
Thank you for reading my blog and being a part of my life. I appreciate you.
Love, Victoria
P. S. This blog post was inspired by the Holy Spirit.