Saturday August 10, 2024
Dear Diary,
I woke up at 4 AM and wrote my blog until 6:30 AM. Tracey woke up at around 4:30 AM. He got up, made tea and went outside to enjoy the morning sounds. He sent me a good morning text sharing his gratitudes. It said:
Good morning beautiful
I am grateful for trees. I am grateful for ponds. I am grateful for good sleep. I am grateful for morning sounds of nature. I am grateful for weather reminding that change is constant. I am grateful for self love. I am grateful for conscious awareness. I am grateful for unexpected blessings. I am grateful for you Victoria, all of you. I am grateful for the opportunity to love you. I truly love and appreciate you Victoria. You are amazing♾️💚🙏
He came inside just as I was finishing up my blog. We laid in bed and I opened the east window blinds so we could watch the sunrise. I sent him a text back, sharing my gratitudes. It said:
Good morning my Sunshine, I am grateful for lily pads. I am grateful for my RV being fixed. I am grateful to have such an awesome mechanic. I am grateful for dogs. I am grateful for fun conversations. I am grateful for good movies. I am grateful for nature. I am grateful to share my gratitudes with you daily. I am grateful for our beautiful connection. I grateful to love and be loved. I am grateful for acceptance.
I love you, my kind and gentle man. 💚💛
I took a morning nap while Tracey went on a morning walk. I woke up when Tracey returned and he gave me another great back rub. I stretched and got ready to leave. I packed up the smoothie I had made yesterday. Bits stayed with Tracey and I left to do a cleaning opportunity.
I talked with my client a while. She showed me pictures of her brand new great grand baby and we talked about what was going on in our lives. I enjoyed cleaning and did an extra thorough job. It took me longer than usual because I had a lot of texting going on. Tracey and I were sending funny texts to each other and I got to laughing. Then I sent a text to the homeschool co-op telling them about the play happening tonight and tomorrow. I felt called to offer to pay for anyone who wanted to go but couldn’t afford it. My offer was accepted by 16 people. I was not expecting that! I did the math and it came up to a little over $250. My generosity was being tested, would I follow through? Of course I would. I always have more than enough and giving is receiving. I called the president of the Kay Theater and asked about free tickets. He said I could have 2. That was very generous snd I thanked him. Then I made reservations for the 16 people coming.
When I finally finished cleaning, I filled up on gas and went to the car wash. There were 3 cars in front of me and the line wasn’t moving. I started laughing as I thought to myself “waiting in this line is a waste of my time”. I laughed even more as I backed up to get out of the line. I was laughing so hard I could hardly drive. Tracey and I have a joke about wasting time because there’s really no such thing. Time is time and every experience has a purpose.
I arrived at Tracey’s right before I had a phone appointment with a first time coaching client. I told Tracey my thought about wasting time and backing out of the car wash line. We laughed and laughed. My client called and we had a great session. The session ran long and as soon as I got off the phone, I received a text from a friend in the homeschool co-op saying that they were coming over to get the trampoline I was giving away.
I really wanted to spend some time with Tracey, maybe go for a swim or a walk or just talk and laugh together. It seemed that life had other plans at the moment and that was ok. I told Tracey I had to run home to meet the people getting the trampoline. When I arrived at home, I greeted Christopher. He told me that he had put the new lights I had bought on the trailer. That was great news and I told him thank you very much! He said he had a migraine headache and was having trouble seeing. He went outside and sat by the fountain drinking a beer. I did laundry, packed up a couple of boxes, burned garbage, put fresh water in the duck pools and made a smoothie. The people coming to get the trampoline still hadn’t arrived. I sent them a message letting them know I was leaving in a half hour. They messaged back saying they were almost here. I met them at the gate in the side-x-side and they followed me in.
While my friend’s husband was taking apart the trampoline, I showed her the banana hut and told her she could have anything she wanted from in there. She took a few plants, a board game, the sewing machine and all the fabric and batting. Yay! Less things I would need to move or get rid of.
I received a text message from my friends Sarah and Scott saying that they were on their way to Tracey’s. They drove from Cedar Park to see the play and we had plans to hang out before the play started. My friend and her husband were still taking down the trampoline. I told them I had to go and that Christopher was here if they needed help with anything.

I drove back to Tracey’s. Scott and Sarah were pulling up to the gate right as I got there. I introduced them to Tracey and we all sat inside his RV and talked. Sarah had brought 2 cases of mangos and I bought a case from her, I love mangos. We hung out for an hour, then it was time for me to leave to get ready for the play. I followed Scott and Sarah to town. They were staying overnight in Rockdale at Rainbow Courts.
At the theater, I put on my make up and got into costume. Then I sat behind stage and wrote my blog while waiting for the show to start. Brian, the guy who’s playing Charlie Brown, was sitting next to me and he was telling me about all the people he knew that were coming to see the play. I told him about how 16 people had taken me up on my offer to pay for anyone in the homeschool co-op that wanted to come see the play but couldn’t afford it. I was laughing about it and telling him how my generosity had been tested but I was up for the challenge and paid for 14 of them since I got 2 free tickets. A little while later, I received a message on my phone from Zelle saying that money had been deposited in my account from Brian. I asked him if he had given me some money. He said that he wanted to help pay for the 14 people. I told him that wasn’t necessary in any way. He responded, saying to not talk about it anymore. He said, he wanted to help out and it was already done. I told him thank you but it wasn’t necessary. He said to stop talking about it. Jokingly, I told him that he couldn’t tell me what to do. Then we bantered back and forth for a while, all in fun.
The play went great. We had a great audience and since it was in Rockdale, I knew most of the people in the audience. Tracey came to see it and it was fun knowing he was there because I knew there were parts of my lines that we had jokes between us about and I could picture him laughing as I said them. My adult daughter came with Angel. Angel had spent the last 2 days with her and they had a lot of fun together. My adult daughter had sent me pictures. They had gone ice skating, to an arcade, went swimming and more.

When the play was over, my adult daughter talked with me a while and we had a great conversation. It was good to talk with her. Then, I changed out of my costume and drove with Angel to Rainbow Courts to visit with my friends Scott and Sarah for a few minutes. It was getting late and Angel was getting hyper which means she is over tired. We started for home and I called Tracey to tell him goodnight. He reminded me that Little Bit was at his place. I had forgotten about that. I drove to Tracey’s, got Bits and a smoothie I had left there. Tracey was in bed sleeping and I gave him a quick hug and kiss.
When Angel and I arrived home, Christopher was in bed but still awake. Angel talked to him while I took a long hot shower. Then I made tea, we brushed our teeth and went straight to bed. We listened to Julie of the Wolves on audio and fell asleep at around 11 PM.
Thank you for reading my blog and being a part of my life. I appreciate you.
Love, Victoria
P. S. This blog post was inspired by the Holy Spirit.