Tuesday, August 6, 2024
Dear Diary,
I woke up at 3 AM. I wrote my blog until 7:30 AM. I took a break from riding at about 6 AM and let out the chickens, ducks and geese. I put freshwater in their pools and went back to writing. I got completely caught up on my blog. That felt great. After I posted it, I called Tracey and we said our good mornings. Then I went back to sleep and took a morning nap.
I woke again at 9:30 AM. Tracey sent me a text.sharing his gratitudes for the day. I sent one back to him with my gratitudes. Here they are:
I am grateful for morning naps. I am grateful for my blog. I am grateful for sunshine. I am grateful for tea. I am grateful for ponds. I am grateful for Tracey. I am grateful for chickens. I am grateful for cows. I am grateful for trees. I am grateful for hugs.
I got up and went in the house. I made tea and a smoothie. Angel said she had made herself waffles from the mix in the fridge. We got ready to go do a cleaning opportunity and hearted (headed) out.
We arrived at my clients house and chatted with them a few minutes. Angel got started on her schoolwork. Today she chose to read and play sight word bingo. She did my turns for me in bingo but quit playing because I was winning, even though she was technically the only one playing 😂.
When I finished cleaning, I drove to my mechanics shop in Milano. Yesterday, he had said that he would come tow my RV to his place to get it running. It’s been sitting for 3 years and won’t start. He’s going to clean out the gas tank and put on an after-market catalytic converter. Someone stole the catalytic converter years ago. I wasn’t sure if he was still willing to tow it but he was. My mechanic and another guy followed me home in a 1/2 ton 4 wheel drive pickup. I wasn’t sure if that pick up was big enough to tow the motorhome and they weren’t sure either. They hooked up the strap and attempted to pull the motorhome out of it ruts. The pickup was spinning its wheels in the dirt and nothing was happening. The guy driving the pickup made some adjustments and tried again. Nothing happened at first but then the whole entire motorhome moved to the side. The guy driving the pickup made one more adjustment and this time the motorhome moved up right behind him. They had done it!Â

They started going down the driveway and I ran up to the house. I went inside and told Christopher that the motorhome was being towed to Milano and I was going to follow them. I found Angel in the banana hut and asked if she wanted to go with me and she said she didn’t. I ran back to my truck and put Bits inside. I drove down the county road a ways until I caught up to them and followed them the rest of the way to the repair shop. They made it there without any problems. I told them how awesome it was that they were able to tow the motorhome there for me. My mechanic is the best mechanic I’ve ever had. He happily goes way above and beyond what a typical mechanic might do. Then to top it off, he doesn’t charge anything for it. I always pay him extra, in gratitude. He told me to give him a call in a couple of days to see where he’s at on fixing it up. Here’s the video of them pulling the motorhome out. If you like it subscribe to my YouTube channel. My goal is to get 1,000 subscribers.
I came back home and as soon as I walked in the door my friend Kim called. We talked on the phone for an hour. Then I sorted Angel’s school books and chose which ones I am going to take with us when we move to Idaho. It felt good to get the sorting process started. I was glad I did it too because I found all kind of neat workbooks that I had forgotten about.
Angel came in the house and I asked her if she was ready to leave to go swimming in the pond at Tracey’s. She was excited about going but wanted to wash her water bottle first. I bought her a new stainless steel water bottle yesterday and she has been thoroughly washing it a couple times a day since then. She says she wants to keep it nice which I am completely in favor of. She also said she loves washing dishes which I am also completely in favor of.
We arrived at Tracey’s and I greeted him with a hug. He had bought Angel a remote control boat and gave it to her. She was excited to try it out. We walked down to the pond and Angel played with her boat for a little while. I swam around and played with Angel. Then I floated around with Tracey who was sitting in an inflatable floatie. I did my full body relaxation and stretches and swam some more. We all had a lot of fun.
When it was almost time for me to leave for play practice, we walked up to Tracey’s. I went over to Rita and Val’s for a few minutes and chatted with them while I attempted to upload a video on Facebook using their Wi-Fi. It didn’t load all the way by the time I had to leave. I figure it will load eventually.
Angel came with me to play practice and Bits stayed with Tracey. We had practice at the Kay Theater in Rockdale. The Kay Theater is where our last 2 shows will be held. It took a while to get everything set up backstage. It’s a much smaller space and we had to figure out where to put our props and all the things we needed. We had great fun during practice. We were adding on funny lines and got each other laughing.
When play practice was finished, it was after 8 PM. Angel was hungry so I got her a cheese quesadilla from La Carreta and a guacamole for myself. Then we drove back to Tracey’s. On the way, we saw a herd of wild hogs crossing the road. I stopped and was able to get a picture before they all ran off. When we arrived at Tracey’s, he had a fire going in the fire pit. That was a fun surprise. Angel put sticks and pine cones in the fire while Tracey and I sat cuddled up. We alternated looking at the fire and the stars. It was a wonderful evening.Â

It was close to 10 PM when we arrived home. I made tea and we brushed our teeth. We went to bed in the banana hut and called Tracey to say goodnight. I put on an audiobook for Angel called Julie of the Wolves and we fell asleep at around 10:30 PM.
Thank you for reading my blog and being a part of my life. I appreciate you.
Love, Victoria
P.S. this blog post was inspired by the Holy Spirit.