Friday, July 5, 2024
Dear diary
I woke up at 6 AM. I laid in bed for a few minutes. Grateful that I did not have to get up right away. I prayed my gratitudes.
- I am grateful for relaxing mornings
- I am grateful for a strong, healthy body.
- I am grateful for lessons learned.
- I am grateful for another day
I got up and let the ducks, chickens, and geese out and filled up their pool with fresh water. I went in the house and greeted Christopher. I made tea and 2 big 64 oz. cantaloupe smoothies. Then I laid in the banana hut and wrote my blog until Angel woke up. She went into the house to eat breakfast. I gathered all the materials I needed to replace screens in the RV. When I walked over there. I noticed a big wasps nest next to the screen door. I found a big stick to knock it down. I missed and of course, the wasps came at me. One landed on my finger as I was running away but I shook it off before it stung me. I went and got the wasp spray. I made sure the coast was clear, then I ran to the Rv and sprayed the nest. I ran away and waited to make sure I hadn’t missed any.
When I knew it was all clear, I got started replacing the screens and it didn’t take me long. They looked great when I was finished. Next, I climbed up on the roof of the RV to see if I could find where there was a leak. The leak was really easy to spot. Some caulk had come loose where it sealed part of the frame. I walked to the house and told Christopher about replacing the screens. I told him about finding the leak and said I would fix it when I got some caulk. Christopher said that he had a bunch of caulk I could use and showed me where it was. I got a tube and had the leak sealed within 10 minutes. I was glad that was done.

At 8:45 am, I drove to town to take care of Ms. M. On the way, I got dog food from Whiteleys. I filled up on gas, stopped at the store and went through the car wash. Then I picked up Ms. M and we went to First Friday Coffee at the library. It was busy at the library. It is Rockdale’s 150th anniversary and all kinds of events are happening during the next week. At the library, there were authors signing books and a 50 year time capsule had been opened up. I found a couple of empty chairs and sat with Ms. M while people walked and chatted all around us. It was a great people watching opportunity and I made the most of it. I love people watching and so does Ms. M. I fall in love with everyone I see when I people watch. People are so amazing and beautiful. A few people came by and said hello to us. We stayed for about 45 minutes and thoroughly enjoyed ourselves.
When we left, I drove to the Episcopal church. Ms. M sat in the fellowship hall doing her word search puzzles while I cleaned. The church is small and it doesn’t take me long. I did an extra thorough cleaning since there is an event going on there Sunday afternoon. The Matinee Music Club, which I am in, is going to have a concert. I am singing at it. There will be other people singing and musicians playing instruments.
When I finished cleaning, I stopped at the Rockdale Reporter to print out some flyers about wild edible plants I am giving a talk about also on Sunday at 11am in the dining car behind the train depot. Then I dropped off the church’s recycling at the recycling bin and stopped at Moon Brew.
At 12:30pm, I took Ms. M to get her hair done at Jelly Bean hair salon. I chatted with the beauticians while I waited and we had fun light-hearted conversations. I felt like I was in the movie Steel Magnolias 😂. A bunch of ladies in a small town hair salon enjoying each other’s company. Ms. M’s hair looked nice when it was finished. I took her to her house and put her in her husband’s care.
When I arrived home, I greeted the dogs, Christopher and Angel. Angel wanted to play a board game, so we sat outside and played Life. When we finished the game, I collected eggs and made juice. I made mango/pineapple juice and a savory tomato/carrot/celery/cucumber/turmeric/apple juice. I cleaned up the kitchen and floated in Angel’s pool for a while. I did deep breathing and stretched. I felt amazing by the time I got out.
Christopher made me a salad for dinner and we shared our gratitudes around the table. Mine were:
- I am grateful for salad.
- I am grateful for fresh juice.
- I am grateful for my family.
Angel and I played sight word bingo while we ate. Then Angel started getting her princess costume ready for riding in the parade tomorrow. I am doing the float for the Kay Theater.

I left for play practice, on the way, I stopped at the store and bought Angel a new glue gun. She is making a wand for her princess costume and her old glue gun stopped working. Play practice went well. I still need to start memorizing my lines but I am going to wait until after the weekend. I have 3 events going on, the parade on Saturday, Wild edible talk Sunday morning and singing Sunday afternoon. Memorizing my lines will take priority starting next week.
I arrived home a little after 9 pm. Angel was still awake and she glued her wand together with her new glue gun. While she was doing that, I cuddled in bed with Christopher. Then I closed up the chickens, ducks and geese and went to bed. Angel slept on the trundle bed next to me. I put on a sleep meditation and we fell asleep at 10:30 pm.
Thank you for reading my blog and being a part of my life. I appreciate you.
Love, Victoria
P. S. This block post was inspired by the holy Spirit.