Tuesday June 25, 2024
Dear Diary,
I woke up at 2 am and wrote my blog until 4:30 am. I fell asleep and woke again at 6:20 am. I got up and let the dogs out. I made Angel healthy waffles. I made myself a watermelon smoothie and a banana, turmeric, spirulina, homemade almond milk and fresh pineapple juice smoothie. I made tea, fed the dogs and got packed up to go.
Angel happily did her schoolwork while I cleaned my first house. My clients are going north for the summer and I did an extra thorough cleaning. Angel finished her 9 pages and watched PBS kids on her phone. Next, I did a farm sitting opportunity. It was a lot of fun. I fed the dogs and checked on the sheep and chickens. Angel helped me water and collect the eggs. Then I cleaned the Lutheran church. It was still pretty clean from receiving such a thorough cleaning last week. I touched it up while Angel played in the nursery. When I finished the church, I cleaned a house that is for sale. I check in on every other week and straighten it up.
I was feeling really worn out by then. I canceled my last cleaning for the day and went to my pet sitting house. I greeted the dogs and laid down to take a nap while Angel played in the living room. I made a few phone calls and fell asleep for a half hour.
When I woke up, I fed the dogs and made Angel her dinner. I drank my smoothie and made tea for myself. Then I drove to pick up a couple of meals to take to Rita and Val. I visited with my friend that I picked up the meals from for a few minutes. Then I drove to Rita and Val’s. I set the food inside and fed the indoor animals. Then Rita pulled up. We talked for quite a while about owning our own choices, stepping away from blaming anyone else for how we feel. It was a great conversation and I got a lot out of it.
When I went outside, Angel was playing in Tracey’s sweat lodge. Tracey had tea ready that he had made for me. It had in it loblolly needles, monk’s blend, cloves, cinnamon, and honey. It was really good and I was grateful for it. We sat and watched Angel while we talked for about 20 minutes before I went home.
At home, I greeted Christopher. Then Angel and I had a race to the swimming pool, she won. I floated on my back while she swam back and forth underneath me. I heard one of our goats crying and we looked over there. The boy goat Tomtom had his head stuck in the fence. I went over there to help him and every time I got his head loose, he would get it stuck again 😂. After a while, I told him that he was on his own. After that pulled his head right out all by himself. Ah ha! He was just messing with me 😆.
I noticed that the goats water bins were getting all murky. I emptied them out and cleaned them. Then I added fresh water. I did the same with the duck pools and I watered the plants on my banana hut porch. I collected eggs and chatted with Christopher for a few minutes. Then I left for a Milam Community Theater board meeting and then play practice.
The meeting went great and while the treasurer was presenting his treasurers report, he started talking about investing money and showed us charts. That got me seriously thinking about investing some of my savings. I decided that when I deliver papers to Edward Jones tomorrow, I will make an appointment with them.
Play practice went good. The play is a musical and I only have a few lines. My main part is singing the choruses. I have a strong singing voice that can lead the others. First I need to learn the songs. It didn’t take me long to pick up on the melody of the song we were practicing. What’s really needed is a lead soprano and I’m confident I can hit the high notes if I practice. We might have to lower them a little but we will see.
I arrived at my pet sitting house at around 9:30 pm. I started laundry and I put Chance to bed. Angel decided she wanted to sleep with me and we got into bed. I was really tired. Suddenly I heard Chance banging against the dog door to his room. I jumped up and I heard the metal door come crashing down. Chance was in the living room. I scolded him and walked him back to his room. I fixed his dog door and told him to go to sleep. As soon as I started walking away he immediately began banging against his dog door again. I didn’t know what was going on with him. I told him no and put a couple of chairs against his door. He continued trying to get out every time I would walk away. Finally I let him outside. With his perimeter collar on, I knew he couldn’t run off. I just didn’t want him barking all night. I figured I’d see how things went. I got in bed again and read Angel a chapter of her book. I didn’t hear Chance barking at all, so I fell asleep at around 11 pm.

Thank you for reading my blog and being a part of my life. I appreciate you.
P. S. This blog post was inspired by the Holy Spirit.