Wednesday June 19, 2024
I woke up at 3 am. I had finished my blog the night before so there was nothing to write. I laid there and did breathing and relaxation meditations. At 4:30 am I fell asleep and woke up again at 6:15 am. I woke Angel up and let out the chickens, kittens, ducks and geese. I went in the house, greeted Christopher and fed Bits. I made tea and a smoothie. Angel came inside and got ready to go with me. She was fully recovered and feeling good.
My first cleaning opportunity was at Bits’ dog mom’s house. He had fun running around playing and Angel was reluctantly doing her schoolwork. I enjoyed cleaning. I took my time and did an extra good job. I talked with my client some and helped Angel with school off and on. The rest of the time I spent praying for guidance and clarity on my relationship with Christopher.
When I finished cleaning, I picked up Ms. M and went to the Episcopal church to clean it. It had been a while since I had cleaned it. Christopher had been doing it to make extra money. The church was definitely in need of a deep cleaning. Ms. M did her word search puzzle and sat in the nursery watching Angel play. There were spider webs everywhere, in the window sills, under the chairs, in the corners. It took me longer than I had planned to clean and I didn’t get all the way finished before it was time to deliver papers.
The papers arrived early today and I was happy about that. The route goes faster when I get the papers to the restaurants before the lunch rush. Angel was very helpful today. She counted out the papers for me in the back and handed them to me. Ms. M did her word search and had a good time. She likes to go on the paper route and see everything as we drive around town. She pointed out how beautiful the crepe myrtles flowers are right now. I had been noticing them myself. The flowers are all different colors and they remind me of lilacs in Idaho.
After the route was finished, I dropped off the old papers at the reporter, got payed and talked with Kyle Cooke a few minutes while Angel and Ms. M waited in the truck outside the back door. When I went out to the truck, Ms. M was not there. Oh no! I asked Angel where Ms. M was and Angel said she went inside to use the bathroom. What a relief! I waited outside the bathroom door. Ms. M came out and we got in the truck.
We went to the church again and I finished up the last of the cleaning. It looked really good when it was done. I took Ms. M home and went to a meeting with the interns at the Kay Theater. The board President discussed the upcoming schedule with the interns and I talked to them about the parade coming up on July 6th. Angel was restless and running around being distracting so we left the meeting early and headed home.
We arrived home a little after 2 pm. Christopher had already gone off in the woods to drink with his friends. It was nice to have the place to ourselves. It was raining out. Angel played with her toys in her room and I laid down in the banana hut. I called my friend Rita to encourage her and she asked if I would feed the animals for them that evening since they were headed to the hospital again. I was happy to. Then I called Tracey to tell him I would be coming there to feed the indoor animals for Rita and Val.
Angel joined me in the banana hut and read to me 6 of her kids books. Some of them were really challenging for her but she stuck with it and I could tell she was feeling more confident in reading. I enjoyed seeing her challenge herself and figure out how to do it.

I made Angel healthy waffles for dinner. I finished my smoothie and made horsemint tea. Then we went to take care of my friend’s animals. It was still raining and it was a muddy drive there. When we arrived, I greeted Tracey and went to Rita and Val’s to feed their indoor dogs and cats. When they were all fed, I went back outside and found Tracey. Angel was still in the truck playing on her phone. I got her out of there and we went to the milking barn to see the baby ducks and chicks. We all hung out in there for a couple of hours. Angel drew pictures in her notebook and climbed up into the loft. We all chatted and had a good time. It had started raining really hard and it was cozy in there. The chicks and ducks ran all over with their babies. Tracey’s dog Cassie and Bits had fun going in and out and running around. At one point, Angel went to see the goats and Tracey and I had a good talk about energy and healing and cleansing and awakening’s. I am very grateful for his friendship and insights.

When we arrived home, I took a shower in the rain, since we only have an outdoor bath and shower, that was my only option 😂. It was really nice though. I put the birds and kittens away and went in the banana hut. Angel came running in right after me and said that the ducks were out. I went back out and realized they had been outside of the fence when I shut them in earlier. It was raining even harder now and they were running all over. (We are down to 3 ducks now but I’m hoping to get more soon from Rita and Val.) I finally got them in their pen and was soaking wet when I went back in the banana hut. Angel and I were laughing about it. I didn’t have a towel to dry off with so I used the cotton throw blanket on the end of my bed and it worked just as good as a towel. We got into bed and I turned on a Boxcar Children audiobook for Angel. We cuddled in my bed and fell asleep at around 9:30 pm.
Thank you for reading my blog and being a part of my life. I appreciate you.
P. S. This blog post was inspired by the Holy Spirit.