Tuesday June 18, 2024
Dear Diary,
I woke up at 3 am. I finished writing my blog and posted it. I prayed my gratitudes:
- I am grateful for prayer.
- I am grateful for nighttime sounds.
- I am grateful for air to breathe.
- I am grateful for connection.
- I am grateful for wild edible plants.
I let out the ducks, chickens, geese and kitten. I gave the animals freshwater and went into the house and greeted Christopher. Going in the door I noticed some wet towels on the step. I asked Christopher what they were about and he said that one of the watermelons on my fruit shelf exploded. The remains of it were in the sink. Oh wow. It’s been a while since I’d had a watermelon explode. I took the watermelon remains out to the chickens and they thought that was the best thing ever. I came back in and thanked Christopher for cleaning up the mess. I hung clothes on the line and started the dirty kitchen towels in the wash. I fed the dogs, kittens, birds and goats and came inside to make tea and a smoothie.
Angel had gotten up and was laying on the couch. I told her to start getting ready to go with me and she started crying saying that she wasn’t feeling good again. I went over and checked her and she felt like she had a slight fever again. I called my clients and canceled coming to clean for them today. While I was on the phone Christopher left for work. When I finished my phone calls, I stripped the bedding off of Angel’s trundle bed and put on clean sheets and blankets. Angel laid down and I read to her a couple of chapters from Ranger in Time: Journey Through Ash and Smoke. I put on a Boxcar Children audiobook for Angel to listen to and I took a morning nap.
I slept deeply for about 1.5 hours. I hadn’t realized that I was so tired. When I woke up, Angels audiobook was just finishing and I listened to the last of it with her. Then I hung laundry on the line and closed up the pop up camper. I had left it open to clear the mice out of it but it appeared it had only been the one mouse and I was glad about that. I got it all closed up and put the rain cover on it. Then I collected eggs and sat down outside.
As soon as I sat down Christopher came home from work. He usually gets home around noon when he works and he was right on time. I greeted him and started his work clothes in the wash after he took them off. Then Angel and I did some of her schoolwork together. She seemed to be feeling better again. I taught her how to do subtraction regrouping and she took right to it. Math is really easy for her to understand. Reading is where she seems to struggle.
When we finished doing school, we went out in the yard and brushed the dogs with a dog brush and rake that my friend Tracey had gifted to us yesterday. LacyJane’s fur was a mess and full of huge knots. I had to cut a lot of them out and she looks funny now but I know she feels better. I told Angel that we need to keep her brushed out on a regular basis so it doesn’t get bad like that again. Healer was easy to brush out and Jake’s fur got buzzed off by Christopher about a month ago. Bits of course doesn’t need brushed but he likes the way it feels.
Angel wanted me to paint with her, so we sat at her picnic table and drew sketches. Then we painted them and it was a lot of fun. I have been enjoying having a slow paced life and spending time playing with Angel the past few days. Angel drew and painted herself standing next to a horse. I drew and painted a duck in a meadow with a pond.

I had finished my watermelon smoothie from earlier and was hungry again. I ate a couple of mangos and made myself a smoothie with bananas, strawberries, ginger root, homemade almond milk and pineapple juice. I drank some of the smoothie then I harvested some yaupon and blackened it on a skillet and made tea with it. I sat outside by the fountain drinking my tea. I had posted eggs for sale on Facebook earlier and I received a message from a lady asking if I had 5 or 6 dozen. As a matter of fact, I had 5 1/2 dozen. She said she wanted 5 dozen and didn’t live very far away and would be arriving shortly. I packed up the eggs and walked down to the gate to meet her. While I was waiting, I noticed a black hickory tree growing among some yaupon. I chose for that to be the next wild edible I study. I know the nuts are edible but what about the leaves and bark. I will soon find out. The lady showed up and got the eggs. She said she will be contacting me when she needs more. That’s great!

I sat down by the fountain again and started writing my blog for today. Angel got in the pool for her evening bath and I joined her a few minutes later. I floated on my back and stretched while Angel swam back and forth underneath me. When we got out, I let the water out. There’s a tropical storm hitting the coast of Mexico and we are supposed to get some rain from it tomorrow. I will fill up the pool again after the storm passes.
I went in the house and Christopher had dinner ready. He had made me a yummy salad and we shared our gratitudes around the table. Mine were:
- I am grateful for the yummy salad Christopher made.
- I am grateful for time with Angel.
- I am grateful for the dogs being brushed.
- I am grateful for Angel getting better.
After dinner, I got the laundry off the line and made horsemint tea. We all gathered in the banana hut for story time and I read from a new book called Julie of the Wolves. It’s really good so far. When I finished reading, Christopher went out and I wrote my blog until it was time to leave to do a pet sitting opportunity for my friends that live down the road.
We arrived at the pet sitting opportunity and my friend Tracey was there. He showed me how to feed and put all the animals away for the night. I was glad he was there to show me because I would not have been able to figure it all out on my own. Angel played with the baby chicks and baby ducks. We all hung out for a little while but didn’t stay long because it was getting late.

When we arrived home, I was tired. Angel put away the kittens and I put away the birds. Then we went to bed. Angel fell asleep right away listening to a bedtime story. I wrote my blog and fell asleep at around 10 pm.
Thank you for reading my blog and being a part of my life. I dearly appreciate you.
P. S. This blog post was inspired by the Holy Spirit.