Monday June 17, 2024
Dear Diary,
I woke up at 3 am. Angel woke up also and had a slight fever again. We cuddled and talked. I put on a sleep meditation for Angel to listen to and we fell asleep again at around 5 am. I woke up again at 6:20 am. The birds were carrying on, saying they needed to be let out and the kittens were meowing. Since I sleep with the windows open, all their racket woke me up. I had moved my cleaning opportunities for today to Friday since Angel still wasn’t feeling good. I got up and let the ducks, chickens, geese and kittens out. I went in the house and greeted Christopher. I hung the laundry on the line and started another load. I went back in the house, Christopher and I had another talk about our relationship. Then he left for work.
I fed all the dogs and kittens and gave the birds fresh water in their pools. I fed the birds and goats. Then I sat in the goat pen and wrote my blog, I want to see if I can tame the goats. After a while they got curious and came to see what I was doing. They wouldn’t let me pet them but they did get close enough to sniff my hand. The baby goat Rain came up next to me and I was able to grab him. He was scared at first but I held him close and talked soothingly to him while scratching his back. He started to warm up to me and leaned into me while I petted him. I held him a few minutes before letting him go. I sat and wrote my blog some more but the goats didn’t come see me again, they stayed on the other side of the corral.
I collected eggs and laid in the hammock writing some more. I was determined to get my blog fully caught up and posted since I had the time to do it. I called my friend Kim to confirm my pet sitting dates coming up. We had a great talk about prayer and accepting others as they are. While I was talking, Angel woke up and cuddled with me in the hammock. When I got off the phone, Angel pointed out how beautiful the blue color of the sky was. We laid today and enjoyed looking at the sky for a while. She said she was feeling much better and was full of energy. I could tell by her eyes that she was on the mend.
We went in the house and Angel had “pie” for breakfast and I made a smoothie. Then we sat in the banana hut together. Angel played a PBS kids game on her phone and I finished writing my blog and posted it. Yay! Right before I finished, I received a text from Tracey telling me about a sad event that happened with his family. My heart went out to him and my other friends Rita and Val, that are all connected as a family.
Christopher came home from work and I shared with him about my friends. My friend Rita messaged me asking if I would feed their indoor animals this evening while they were at the hospital. I said I would. Angel wanted to go to swim tank and since she seemed to be fully recovered from being sick, I agreed to go. I blended up some watermelon to take with us. We loaded LacyJane and Healer in the back of the side-x-side and drove over there with Bits in front. We had fun time swimming. I floated on my back and did stretching. While I floated, Angel swam back and forth underneath me. The dogs were excited to be there. They swam and played along the shore. Angel and I played a game near the shore where she would launch herself into the water by jumping off of the front of my legs.

I laid in the hammock when I was done swimming and called a guy who had gotten in contact with me on Facebook messenger wanting to know more about wild edibles. We had a fantastic talk about plants and health. Then he offered to pay me to post once a week about wild edible plants on his Facebook group. Yes!! I would love to do that. He also offered to promote my wild edible business. Yes! So wonderful!
When we arrived home from swim tank, I dropped off LacyJane and Healer. Then I drove the side-x-side to my friends house to feed their indoor animals. It was a fun drive down the county roads. The wind was blowing and the air felt fresh. Everything is lush and green from the rain we’ve been getting. Bits was smiling the whole way there. Angel ate raspberries and chatted happily.
Tracey was there when we arrived and he let us in the gate. We talked for a few minutes, then he took Angel to see the goats. I went inside Rita and Val’s house and fed their indoors dogs and cats. I had just finished feeding them when Rita texted me saying they were on their way home and I didn’t need to come feed the animals if I hadn’t done it yet. I messaged back that it was already done.
I joined Tracey and Angel out by the goat pens. I was eating an apple and the goats thought I should be sharing it with them and were chasing me around. I thought that was a lot of fun. When I finished eating it, I shared the core with them. Angel was excited to show me baby ducks and baby chickens. They were so cute. It was fun hanging out with Angel and Tracey and the animals.
Tracey was showing us the turkey who hatched our baby turkeys that we will be getting soon, when Val and Rita pulled up. I went in the house and talked with Rita while Angel hung out with Tracey outside. Rita and I had a gentle talk about not taking responsibility for other peoples choices and how the only person we can heal is ourselves. It was good time of encouragement and support.
After our talk we went outside and found Tracey and Angel in the milking shed playing with the baby ducks and chicks. We all hung out for a while and enjoyed each other’s company. Then we hearted (headed) home. The drive home was just as lovely as the drive there. It was a beautiful evening.
At home, Christopher had salad ready for me to eat. I had told him earlier that I was done with my fruit only cleanse had received the knowing to add salads into my diet again. I thanked him and the salad tasted so good. Angel had “pie” to eat and got in the swimming pool for her bath. Christopher and I shared our gratefuls. Mine were:
- I am grateful for Christopher making me a yummy salad.
- I am grateful Angel is fully recovered.
- I am grateful for my health.
- I am grateful for good friends.
When I finished eating, I took a quick bath in the pool. Angel had gotten out and was taking a warm shower. I made tea and we all gathered in the banana hut. I finished reading Bill Peet an autobiography. Christopher said goodnight and went into the house. Then I read to Angel one chapter of a new book called Ranger in Time: Journey Through Ash and Smoke. We went outside and put away the birds and kittens. I put on children’s books for her to listen to and wrote my blog. I fell asleep at around 9:30 pm.
Thank you for reading my blog and being a part of my life. I appreciate you.
P. S. This blog post was inspired by the Holy Spirit.