Sunday June 9, 2024
Dear Diary,
I woke up at 4 am. I wrote my blog until 6 am. I got up and let out the chickens, kittens, ducks and geese. I put fresh water in their pool and went in the house. I greeted Christopher, fed Bits and made my tea. I went outside and fed the kittens and our outside dogs. Then I hung clothes on the line and went in the banana hut. Angel woke up and went into the house. I wrote my blog some more until 8 am. I was enjoying having a relaxing morning.
I got dressed, drove to Rockdale to feed the cats for my pet suiting opportunity and came home. Angel was ready for church when I arrived. We sat on the couch together cuddling while I practiced the song I was singing at church today. I was determined to sing it without looking at the lyrics. I usually have the lyrics with me on my phone just in case but this time I planned on not having my phone with me. We arrived at church 15 minutes early which gave me time to greet everyone. When it was time for me to sing, I prayed that God would speak all the lyrics through me and the song went perfectly. I did not make one mistake. Yay! Thank you!
When it was time for children’s church there was no one there to teach it so I volunteered to do it. I had all the kids share a time when they felt God working in their lives and also to share what they were grateful for. Then we played hide and seek. I was having just as much fun as the kids playing and loved the thrill of finding a place to hide or searching for everyone else. We all had a great time.
When church was over, one of my friends asked if she could talk to me and I said yes. She wanted to know about my diet because her husband has been suffering from horrible digestive issues for over 2 years and the doctors can’t figure out what the problem is. Everything the doctors tell him to do is making him worse and she was wondering if eating the way I do would help him. I talked to her about eating food with its own digestive enzymes and how it has helped many people with digestive issues. Her eyes filled with tears as she shared with me how difficult it’s been on her and the kids watching him suffer and not knowing how to help him. I gave her a hug and encouraged her to have her husband eat raw food for one week and see how he feels. She wanted some ideas for smoothies and I gave her some recipes and told her she could text me anytime with questions.
As soon as I arrived home, I made myself a watermelon and frozen grape smoothie. I’d been receiving an inner calling from the Holy Spirit to do a grape and watermelon cleanse to clear up some blockages I was feeling in my body. My bowel movements were not producing very much and I knew it was time for a good detox. I drank a bunch of the watermelon and grape smoothie. It was delicious and refreshing. I went outside and dug up a bunch of strawberries that were growing next to the trampoline and planted them in pots. We used to have our garden there and they must have still had roots in the ground. *Warning* the next paragraph is TMI 😂: I know it’s not necessary to share what’s in this next paragraph but this is real life stuff and I’m sharing it all…the good, the bad and the disgusting 🤣. Believe it or not, a lot of people can relate to this.

My next project for the day was to seal the roof of the pop-up camper with sealant paint. I took off all my clothes so they wouldn’t get ruined and I swept off the roof of the camper. I started to caulk it when I felt like I had to go to the bathroom. Number 2. I casually did a few more things, then suddenly I had to go immediately. It was then that I remembered how quickly watermelon and grapes clean me out. I attempted to walk to the house without having an accident. I was almost there when I knew I wasn’t going to make it. I took off running to the hose as the poop started to leak out. Oh no! Out it all came onto to the ground. Yuck! I was really glad I didn’t have any clothes on 🤣. I grabbed the hose and started spraying the poop into the ground and sprayed myself off. I sprayed the ground for a good 20 minutes. I didn’t want any trace of poop left for the dogs to snack on. 😝. As I was spraying the ground I started laughing at the whole situation. I laughed and laughed and laughed. I was glad I had followed the watermelon and grape calling I had been receiving. It was working already! Blockage problem has been cleared up😂. I went in search of Christopher and found him sitting by the fountain watching races on his phone. I laughed and laughed as I told him what happened. He couldn’t help laughing too, my laughter was contagious. It was good to see him laugh. I assured him it was all cleaned up. After talking with him, I sprayed the ground for another 10 minutes just because. (TMI over.)
I continued my project on the pop-up camper and finished caulking. Then painted the roof until I ran out of paint. I had a feeling I would run out so I made sure I got the spots that were leaking first. I cranked the camper up so that I could clean it and get it ready to take on our camping trip at McKinney state park with the homeschool co-op Wednesday through Friday. I noticed a mouse had chewed a hole in one of the curtains. I would need to get traps. Christopher came over to help me make sure everything worked. He plugged it in and the a/c worked. He hooked up the water and there was a leak under the cabinets. He had to bypass a cracked connection in order to fix the leak. I was glad he was helping me because I don’t have the knowledge on how to do all of that. He said it needed a drainage connection for the gray water and showed me what I needed to buy.
I started feeling really tired, probably from detoxing. I was thinking of skipping swimming and kayaking on a lake my friends Peggy and Alan had invited me to that evening. Christopher made dinner and I ate a salad which gave me some energy. After we ate, I did the dishes. Angel was looking forward to going swimming and I decided we were going even if I was tired. On the way there I stopped at Tractor Supply to see if they had the RV drain connector I needed and to buy some mouse traps. They didn’t have to connector and Angel was concerned about killing the mice, so I bought a live trap and some sticky paper.
Google maps took me to the wrong address when I attempted to find Peggy’s house. I called her up and she met me at the county road and I followed her there. She had a neat cabin next to a pond. She showed Angel and me her cows and calves and offered to let us feed them. They were really friendly I had fun feeding and petting them. Angel wanted nothing to do with them. She said they slobbered all over and smelled bad 😂.

I followed Peggy to Alan’s place and he was waiting for us with his kayaks already loaded up. I followed him to the lake and it was fantastic. It was privately owned by a friend of Alan’s. There was a dock we jumped off of and the water was crystal clear. Little Bit was with us and he had fun playing in the water along the shore. We swam for a while, then Angel asked if she could kayak. We got 4 kayaks down and Angel got in the smallest one. She had never kayaked before but was able to figure out how to do it right away. I put Bits in my kayak with me and he immediately jumped out and swam to shore. We all started paddling out to the middle of the lake when Peggy noticed Bits swimming out after me. She went and got him and brought him to me. We paddled around for a while. Then we went back to the dock and swam some more until it started to get dark out. I had so much fun. I was really glad we came.

When we arrived home, it was after 9 pm. I started laundry, set up mouse traps, put away the birds and kittens, brushed my teeth and went to bed. I put on a sleep meditation for Angel and wrote my blog. I’ve been sleeping with my windows open since it’s been in the 70’s at night. I love having the fresh air and listening to the night sounds. I fell asleep to the sound of the frogs and crickets at around 10:30 pm.
Monday June 10, 2024
Dear Diary,
I woke up at 3 am. I had been sleeping restlessly because Angel kept moaning throughout the night like she had an upset stomach. I’d also had a bad dream that Christopher had a swollen eye that was bulging out. I asked him what had happened to his eye. He started yelling at me and calling me names, telling me that I was making things up and there was nothing wrong with his eye. I told him to look in the mirror at his eye because something wasn’t right with it. He kept yelling, saying he didn’t need a mirror to know that his eye was perfectly fine. Finally I just walked away.
Then I woke up and couldn’t go back to sleep. What was the meaning of that dream? I prayed and asked to receive clarity on my dream. I know that even though my dreams have other people in them that the other person is really my minds creation. So all the people in my dreams are me. Christopher wasn’t there in my dream. It was all me, myself and I creating a story with characters. Suddenly, I received clarity from the Holy Spirit about my dream. I saw that the dream was telling me that I was in denial about seeing something clearly. I prayed and asked to be shown what it is that I receive clarity about what I’m not seeing clearly.
I was tired and still couldn’t fall asleep again. I wasn’t sure how I was going to make it through cleaning 4 houses on 4 hours of sleep. I was supposed to start my first house at 6:30 am. I laid in bed an hour and when I didn’t fall asleep I wrote my blog. At 4:50 am my first client messaged me saying that they had a new puppy that will be there when I come clean. I messaged back asking if I could clean for them tomorrow instead of today. They said yes that would be fine. Great!
At 5:30 am, I let out the chickens, ducks, kittens and geese. Then I laid down and wrote my blog some more until 6:30 am. I finally fell asleep again and slept hard until 8 am. I still felt like I could have slept some more and I didn’t want to go do my cleaning opportunities today. I was dreading cleaning and my body started aching with inflammation. I really wanted to take the day off. I hadn’t eaten anything that would cause me to have inflammation and wasn’t sure what had brought it on but I wanted to stay in bed until I felt better.
I got up anyway and went in the house. I greeted Christopher, fed Bits, made tea and a smoothie. Christopher had the day off and Angel was staying home with him. He said a mouse had gotten caught on one of the sticky papers in the camper. I didn’t ask him what he did with it and I didn’t mention it to Angel. I got ready and headed to town. I did my cat feeding opportunity and went to my first house to clean. My clients were there and we chatted while I cleaned. It was their 57th wedding anniversary. That’s a long time to be married. My longest marriage is 5 years. Christopher and I are going on 5 years soon on July 5th. Then it will be tied with my first marriage.
I was way behind schedule when I arrived at my second cleaning opportunity. My client told me that she had forgot I was coming and wasn’t ready for me to clean. She asked if I would mind skipping them this time. I said that was fine because I was behind schedule and I was happy to have some rest time before my next house. Thank you God for providing for me what I needed! I was grateful to have less houses to clean.
I drove to the hardware store and got a part I needed for the pop-up camper. Then I went to Moon Brew and ate salad. It was so nice to have some down time in the middle of the day. My body ached with inflammation. I was texting my friend Tracy about it and suddenly I received clarity on why I had inflammation today. All weekend I had been dreading having a long day of cleaning. My body is getting worn out from cleaning so much. My left elbow/arm has tendinitis, both my rotator cuffs are having issues, my right knee aches all the time, my left foot has plantar fasciitis and my hands fall asleep throughout the night from pinched nerves in my neck. Is cleaning houses wearing my body out or keeping it strong? I say both but cleaning 3 to 5 houses a day is too much. I would rather do more pet sitting and I have a strong calling to work with native plants. I desire to spend more time studying the medicinal plants. I want to harvest them and make them into teas and tinctures to sell at farmers markets. I also desire to spend more time doing school with Angel. We could do fun school projects and spend time doing school in the woods. I’m torn though because I like all my clients and a lot of them really do need the help. I enjoy helping others and I don’t want to cancel cleaning for any of them. (Reading through what I just wrote, I noticed I used the word TORN…that’s exactly how my body and my mind are feeling…torn up.) I prayed for guidance on how to resolve this inner battle.
When I arrived at my last cleaning opportunity. The front door was locked and I rang the doorbell. It was my friend Debbie’s house, she was gone shopping and her husband was there but he wasn’t answering the door. She talked to me through their doorbell camera and said to keep knocking. I knocked a few more times and went to get the rest of my cleaning supplies. Debbie called me and said her husband was probably in the back of the house and couldn’t hear me. She said to call her back if I couldn’t get in. I walked around to the back door and it was open and I told her I was able to get inside.
I didn’t see her husband anywhere and I started cleaning. After a few minutes, I heard someone at the front door. It was her husband. I unlocked the door for him and we talked a little. I continued cleaning and I noticed the inflammation in my body was almost completely gone. I received clarity that I can change a few of the clients that I clean for every other week to once a month. That would free up a lot of my schedule. My mind kept going to the fact that I would make less money if I did that and I continued to remind myself that when I follow the Holy Spirits guidance everything in my life always works out perfectly. Having more time to do school with Angel, pet sit and studying plants is much more valuable than money.
I was almost finished cleaning when Debbie came home. She said she wanted to share a few things with me that were going on in her life. I took a break from cleaning to listen and talk with her. She shared some things with me and I encouraged her to pray for guidance and to sit with her feelings and ask what they were there to tell her. I shared with her how I realized I had been addicted to being sick as a child because it’s the only time I felt like my mom loved me. I told her that I received this awareness when I asked for clarity on why I self sabotage and knowingly eat things that will make me sick sometimes. I self sabotage when I don’t feel loved but in reality, I am always loved by the One that created me. She told me that she sees how many people love me and there’s no reason I should feel unloved. In that moment I realized that my mom’s love is the only love that my heart desires to have. Tears filled my eyes as shared this with her. Then I talked through my process. I told her that my mom does love me in the only way she knows how. It’s me that wants more. Can the way my mom shows me love be enough? Yes, if I allow it to be. It’s been me all along that has chosen to not feel loved by my mom. Am I willing to accept her love in the way she chooses to show it? Yes. I remembered my dream that I had woken up from this morning. I had just received the answer to what I had been in denial about not seeing clearly. I also remembered the song I had sang yesterday at church “Change my heart oh God, make it ever true” and I was grateful for having a change of heart towards my mom.
I finished cleaning and Debbie and I talked some more about allowing others to be where they need to be. Then we hugged goodbye and I headed home. Just as I was leaving town, I remembered to stop and see about getting free produce. The lady that gets the produce said that she was going to pick up food today. She gets food that is almost expired from a store. I turned around and drove to her place. She had just gotten back and there were four huge bins full of food on her trailer. Most of it wasn’t produce, it was meat and frozen dinners and prepared foods. It had all been haphazardly thrown into the bins and a lot of it was spilled all over. It was a huge mess. She was really upset because most of it wasn’t edible and now she had to deal with figuring out how to dispose of it all. Another friend of mine was there too and we helped her sort the bins. I started a fire going and we threw all the stuff that couldn’t be eaten into the fire. I was able to get some produce: apples, oranges, strawberries, grapes and a watermelon. It was hot out and we were all pouring sweat as we cleaned everything up. We worked for an hour and got most of it done.
When I arrived home, Christopher was cleaning up from juicing. Yay! I thanked him for making juice and he had also made me almond milk. He helped me unload the produce out of the truck and I began sorting it. Christopher and Angel ate dinner. I was still drinking my smoothie and didn’t eat with them. I washed and put all the grapes and strawberries in freezer bags and put them in the freezer. I washed the apples and oranges and put them in big bowls. I put the watermelon in the fridge and cleaned up the kitchen. I love eating colorful vibrant food. It has such great energy and my body thrives when I eat good energy food with a variety of bright colors.
I brought the laundry in off the line and put it away. I burned the burnable garbage and took out the compost to the chickens.
I went out to the campers to check if any more mice had been caught. The traps were empty. When I came out of the motorhome it felt like an electric shock got the back of my arm. I turned and saw some purplish red wasps coming at me. One had stung my arm. I took off running and stopped when I was far enough away. I watched to see where their nest was and saw it was in vent next to the door of the motorhome. I decided I would deal with that later. My arm ached and I figured I had needed some good wasp medicine in my arm, that wasp had gotten me good.
It started raining and I took a shower in the outdoor shower. It was a wonderful showering in the rain. When I came inside, I washed the dinner dishes and cleaned the kitchen. I collected eggs from the chicken coop and went in the banana hut with Angel. She watched a Kratt brothers show on her phone and I wrote my blog. When it was almost dark, I put the birds and kittens away. One of the kittens was acting like it had ear mites so I sprayed some apple cider vinegar in all the kittens ears. I crawled into bed and wrote my blog some more. At 9:30 pm I turned out the light and we fell asleep.
Thank you for reading my blog and being a part of my life. I dearly appreciate you.
P. S. This blog post was inspired by the Holy Spirit.